Tuesday 23 October 2012

Masingita Mzilikazi Masiya

Author of The Right To Mourn, a poet, a friend, a brother, a thought. Here is a man who has dedicated his life to writing from the heart and living life passionately.

I first met Masingita when he had cornrows on his head, earrings on his ears and pants that sat right below the designated position. He was the epitome of an upcoming hip hop king not forgeting his over sized sneakers. Today he has a bald head, no trace of earrings on his ears despite the evidence of previous ear piercings and a fashion sense only known to a man who has been around the block fashion wise.
He has an imagery of the vision he has for his life as a human being.

He has a blog by the name "thoughts in transit" whose vision is to introduce the market to my writing via the blog and thus establishing a relationship with the reader pre, through and post book buying. He owns a publishing company called Lefoko la kgosi which means your word is king.

His passion for the finer things through the spoken word led him to write a book called The Right To Mourn after his father's death, he calls the book a conversation. he is the sole founder of the company but now co-owns it with Joy Mathebula who looks into marketing and Khayalethu Ngoma who does the graphics.

He has an eye for fashion and has a personal designer Zanozuko Skorzch Sithetho,who tailor made his suit for his book launch on the 09th of December 2012 at The National Library of South Africa in Pretoria. 

The suit is a representation of what the client requires out of his clothing; the simple elegance of a gentleman.

Nature is one of his most favourite items to look at on mother earth and what better way to show his love for fashion and nature than in this custom designed picture courtesy of Kgaugelo Emmanuel Kganyago.

He has an ear for music and classic music takes the cup,and one would wonder what he was doing with this bass guitar below beats me.

 Central Baptist Youth Department Winter Camp was very interesting

Masingita is a born again christian who fellowships at First Winterveldt Baptist Church,he is the vice president at Central Baptist Youth Department's region under the Baptist foundation of South Africa.

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