Friday 13 April 2012


 New media (an introduction) is a book by Terry Flew that speaks about the so-called ‘new’ media being used in our everyday lives. The media is not new but it has developed over time and grown hence the ‘new’ media theme comes into place.
Chapter One deals with Why ‘new’ media? It entails internet history and how the development of the ‘new’ media has come about. Terry explains that the media we now call ‘old’ was once new hence media changes rapidly.

Chapter 2 entails twenty key new media concepts that mainly deal with the internet, how it is used and all the benefits and disadvantages it has from digital copyright to user-generated content. The two chapters are an introduction to the much needed information on how to not only be a receiver of information, but also how you as the reader can contribute. You can give your opinion through social media for instance.

 These chapters help to better understand the terms and systems used to blend in to knowing the ‘new’ media. A better way of understanding what the book is all about is through reading the contents and deciding for yourself if it is relevant or not.

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