Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Picture taken by Mfanaka Yaku-Zembe. <3 
I have always had more boyfriends than I did girlfriends (not in the bisexual kind of way, but hey who cares) Anyways that is a story for tomorrow.

I am constantly having heart to heart conversations with a man who is so real in his quest to answer my questions, he leaves me dumbfounded. I do not have to pretend to like something or lie about something for him to catch my drift. It feels as if I am talking to myself in the male form. It has been an interesting journey.

I have picked up a few things in this interesting journey: not every guy is a dog, and in as much I want a good man, I need to be good too. I learned that men have dreams like we do, and that fairy tale we want they want it too. I am not talking about the over dramatic Cinderella who loses her shoe.

No! I am writing about Caroline who likes long hand written love letters, small email notes, long chats on whatsapp, and yes! random phone calls. I am trying to explain  a man who will not be afraid to tell you that the biggest secret is that there is  no secret after you have just spilt the beans.

I am texting about the guy who does not stay up late to talk to you but stays up because he is a fellow insomniac who wants to text with you. I am referring to the mid day conversations that only existed in my dreams.

I am texting about the realness of realising that good men not only exist but they are right in front of you. I have always had a well written description of my perfect partner, and the older I got he more I added to the list. Well! God has taught me that looks, skills, and a hot body can only do so much.

I deserve an intelligent man who is wise enough to make God his everything. A man who will not think twice before he does good for those he loves and cares about. A man who is rooted in learning about love, life and the artistry of its profoundness.

Do not worry! I am  not making a new list I just realised how the good things in life are free, and how they have been staring me in the eye, as I journeyed to *look for the one*. I stopped being a hunter, and lay my weapons down. It feels good to have people talk to you because they want to, and not because you head hunted their poor old butts and lured them in.

It is safe to say that I have re-found all the precious gems that have always been standing right in front of me; awaiting my embrace. I am almost similar to the prodigal son returning home to his dad, but the thing with me is that I never left. I just kept my self busy with nothing, really.

Here I am pouring my heart out to you my Caro-On-the-grind lover and follower and friend. Allow my roaming heart and sorrowed eye to take this opportunity to thank you for loving Caroline, and for being a part of her life. THANK YOU! KE A LEBOGA! NA KHENSA! BAIE DANKIE! NDI NOTENDA! INKOMO! NDIYA BULELA! KE A LEBOHA!

I am looking forward to those love letters, and those visits to the gallery (Graffiti on walls), walks to the park (Winterveldt bushes), and picnics under my grand-parents' Marula tree, and visiting random restaurants to rate their food and service, here is to laughing my ATM (African Trade Mark) off, to dancing in the rain just after having had a new hairstyle, here's to crying in your arms over nothing, here's to being nobody else but me. Thank you for taking the time out to read my heart out.

From the heart

The future belongs to the artist

Tenacious Phoenix Songs


15-04-14 (Do not ask.) hahahaha 

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