Her inspiration towards starting Women In Charge;
She is passionate about her fellow sisters' wellbeing in all aspects of their lives. The young women she helps are between the ages of 16 to 20. They meet every Saturday at 14h30 at First Winterveldt Baptist Church in Winterveldt. Real life issues she has had to deal with in these young women's lives;
There have been specific instances where she has had to deal with certain issues with her group such as relationships. Some of these girls are dating guys who are way older and more matured than them. Some of the consequences are teenage pregnancy. "Others have been raped and have not recieved counselling and, there will always be heart core issues such as family problems regarding mother-daughter and father-daughter relationships. She finds solace and inner strength in the Lord to deal with these young women's issues.
Despite having started a support group, her company works with female cosmetologists and promotes a healthy lifestyle amongst companies, while empowering young women to be who they want to be in life. The main aim/the ultimate goal of her company;
Tiisetso's company deals with both the public and private sector of government with regards to the Health and Wellness of employees. "I have always wanted financial freedom and I do not like to be limited. Most of all I wanted to change young women's lives by creating employment for them and I wanted to have an input in South Africa's economy.
Tukisho Mankoe has worked at Top Image Beauty Care and Massage Therapy. Tukisho describes Tiisetso as one who reminds her of Alicia Keys's song 'Superwoman' because in whatever she does, she puts in over a hundred of her time, money and dedication. Tiisetso is kind, fun and loving but she is easily angered by lazy people. This is evident in her line of work. She believes in the saying "You are the master of your fate." Her optimistic and hard working self has ensured that her company, and Social Responsibility Initiative group remain grounded in putting women first. She has dedicated her time and energy to other people, other than her family, happy and having a grand peace of mind.
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