'True love does not get old." |
Till this day there is a mural at my house that reads "to love and be
loved is the greatest joy on earth." I never really knew the depth of
these words until one beautiful day in the spring of 2009. When my
eyes gazed upon the face of a stranger. At first sight it felt as
though I had known this being my entire life. I was enticed by his
genuine smile every time I stole a look from him, his Colgate white
teeth flashing before my very eyes made me want to know more about the
stranger that took me to worlds unknown.
Lira's album Soul and Mind features a song that goes "I met him
unexpectedly, something about him appealed to me. I could not figure
it out or even put my finger on it but I liked it." I had to figure
out who this divine being was, so right after the church service I
wasted no time in introducing myself. The conversation got off to a
bad start; he had been listening to music on his phone and was merrily
singing along. I asked him if he can sing he answers 'no' I ask him
how so because I heard him sing. He laughs it off and introduces
himself. A few minutes later we are sitting down and chatting away
like two old friends would normally do after a church service.
Four years later the gentleman I met once upon a dream is still a part
of my life. More real than the figure that had enchanted the living
lights out of me.
Throughout these years I have learnt to create my
own definition of love, and that which it can become for me. To have
grown to find that love is what I make it out to be has become sweeter
than the greatest honey comb bees could have ever created. Life is not
a bed of rose petals but with the love found in those close to me I
have learnt to savour every moment and hold it dear. It is not an
everyday gift to have found love so real and unconditional. And for me
to have been found by such a love leaves me eternally grateful to God
for his incredible grace.
Life is what you make out of it, and through
the good and the bad I have decided to have my big, brown eyes fixed
on the love I have received and that has kept me sane. It has led me
to being a happier person who is not afraid of laughing at herself or
even admitting to her faults.
Love exists all around and spreading a
great dose of it through smiles and hugs to strangers does not cost a
cent, infact it is good for one's soul. The very humble Mother Theresa
once said "the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service
and the fruit of service is peace."